Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Steering Committee?

The Steering Committee (formerly HRTC) will be responsible for incorporating the feedback and information received from the workgroups to refine the set of values that will be used score strategies lifted for investment. They will make informed decisions on items related to the design and implementation of regional strategies based on information and guidance from the workgroups, industry, philanthropy, government, and the coalition as a whole.

The representative will support the overall vision of the North Valley THRIVE projects and will be an advocate for their chosen region and area of membership. They will work collaboratively to identify viable projects that will support the mission and values of North Valley Thrive.

What does the Steering Committee decide? What power does it have?

The Steering Committee will decide the set of values that will be used to evaluate and prioritize regional investment strategies. The steering committee will also select a balanced sub section of the group tasked to make funding recommendations.

Does the Steering Committee have bylaws?

While there are no current bylaws, North Valley THRIVE will develop a set of guiding principles in collaboration with stakeholders.

Is the Steering Committee the Board of Directors for North Valley THRIVE?

Since North Valley THRIVE does not have a 501c3 designation yet, it does not have a formal board of directors. Although not a formal board, the Steering Committee supports North Valley THRIVE’s work with input to its vision and direction.

Does the Steering Committee have a president or a chair?

It does not

Who does the Steering Committee report to? Who is it responsible to?

The Steering Committee reports to the NVT coalition.

How long is a term for the Steering Committee?

18 months.

Do you get paid for being on the Steering Committee?

Yes, there will be a stipend of $5,000 for steering committee members.

What are the major responsibilities or commitments of being on the Steering Committee?

The representatives will need to have a strong pulse on the needs of their community and the group they represent. They will need to be strong communicators and collaborators because they will be expected to work together on creating a process for choosing projects and supporting with the implementation of those programs. Steering committee meetings will be hybrid meetings allowing for both in-person and virtual attendance and will be held alternately (depending upon weather) within the three regions.

How did the categories come into being?

North Valley THRIVE is committed to building an equitable and inclusive planning process that uplifts a diversity of viewpoints and participation across Merced, Stanislaus, and San Joaquin counties.

To have a collaborative governance structure we are looking for strong representation across roles and the region.

Over 40 individuals and agencies throughout the region volunteered to form the governance committee. They went through a transparent and diplomatic process to determine 29 sits for the Steering Committee that would be a balance the input and voice of communities historically disinvested with education, and industry sectors representatives.

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Contact usfor more information

For more information about this RFQ or the Northern San Joaquin Valley CERF Region, please contact your local county coordinator:



San Joaquin:

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